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How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide) 1

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide)

“How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide)”

Table of Contents


Overview of the Importance of Seasoning a Blackstone Griddle

Seasoning your Blackstone griddle is indispensable because it establishes a non-stick surface, simplifying both cooking and cleanup while also safeguarding the griddle from rust and deterioration. Additionally, this process enhances the flavor profile of your dishes by infusing them with the oils and fats utilized during seasoning, resulting in a more delectable culinary experience. Ultimately, a well-seasoned griddle ensures that your meals not only taste better but also maintain their quality over time, making it a worthwhile investment for any avid cook.

Benefits of Proper Seasoning

Seasoning your griddle enhances its performance and durability by creating a non-stick surface that facilitates easy cooking and cleaning. This protective layer not only prevents food from adhering to the griddle but also safeguards it against moisture, reducing the risk of rust formation and extending its lifespan. With proper seasoning, you can enjoy flawlessly cooked meals while ensuring that your griddle remains in pristine condition for years to come.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle


Preparing Your Griddle for Seasoning

Unboxing and Initial Setup

When unboxing your Blackstone griddle, prioritize careful handling to avoid damage. Thoroughly remove all packaging materials to prevent interference during use. Additionally, ensure the griddle is securely positioned on its stand or tabletop for stability and safety during cooking sessions.

Cleaning Before First Use

To begin, thoroughly cleanse the griddle surface with warm, soapy water, eliminating any remnants from its manufacturing phase. However, exercise caution: soap should only be applied during this initial cleansing, as frequent use can deteriorate the seasoned surface. After this initial wash, abstain from using soap to preserve the grill’s seasoned coating, maintaining its optimal performance and flavor infusion.

Necessary Tools and Supplies for Seasoning

To ensure the safe application of oil on a hot griddle surface, gather high-smoke point oils like flaxseed, canola, or vegetable oil, along with paper towels, tongs, and heat-resistant gloves. These oils are less likely to burn at high temperatures, minimizing the risk of smoke or fire. Use the tongs and paper towels with heat-resistant gloves to evenly distribute the oil across the griddle, ensuring thorough coverage without exposing yourself to potential burns.

Step-by-Step Seasoning Process

Initial Heating

To prepare your griddle, start by heating it to a high temperature, which will open the pores of the metal, aiding in the bonding process with the oil. Additionally, make sure the area is adequately ventilated to manage any smoke generated during this step. Proper ventilation not only ensures a comfortable cooking environment but also helps maintain air quality in your kitchen.

Applying the Oil

To prep the griddle, grab some tongs and dip a paper towel into oil, then gently spread it across the griddle’s surface for an even coating. Ensure the oil covers the surface evenly, creating a slight sheen without forming pools. This step helps prevent food from sticking and promotes even cooking when you start griddling your favorite dishes.

The Heating Process

After coating the griddle with oil, ensure it heats until the oil reaches the smoking point, signifying its fusion with the metal surface. Allow the oil to burn off entirely, facilitating a thorough bonding process before adding subsequent layers. This method ensures optimal seasoning and enhances the griddle’s non-stick properties for future use.

Repeating the Process

To optimize outcomes, it’s advisable to repeat the oiling and heating procedure three to four times. This repetitive application gradually develops a robust non-stick layer, thereby improving the griddle’s efficacy and resilience. Over time, this diligent maintenance regimen ensures prolonged use and consistent performance from your griddle.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle


Why You Need to Season the Griddle Plate

Seasoning a griddle plate is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it creates a non-stick cooking surface, allowing food to be cooked without sticking and making cleanup easier. Seasoning also protects the griddle from rust and corrosion, which is essential for its longevity. Additionally, a well-seasoned griddle enhances flavor by building up layers of cooked-on oil that contribute to a richer, more complex taste in the food. Regular seasoning ensures that the cooking surface remains in optimal condition, improving overall cooking performance.

How To Season A Blackstone Griddle

To season a Blackstone griddle effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the Griddle: Ensure the surface is clean and free from any debris or factory oils.
  2. Apply Oil: Coat the surface evenly with a high smoke point oil, such as flaxseed or canola oil.
  3. Heat the Griddle: Turn on the griddle to a high setting and heat until the oil begins to smoke.
  4. Cool and Repeat: Let the griddle cool and then repeat the process 3-4 times to build a strong layer of seasoning.

Does a Blackstone Griddle Come Pre-Seasoned?

Blackstone griddles typically arrive with a pre-seasoned surface primed for non-stick cooking. For optimal performance and durability, experts advise applying extra layers of seasoning before the initial use, enhancing both flavor and longevity. This proactive approach not only improves cooking outcomes but also safeguards the investment in your griddle for many delicious meals to come.

What is the Best Oil for Blackstone Griddle Seasoning?

The best oils for seasoning a Blackstone griddle are those with a high smoke point, which allows them to endure high temperatures without burning. Popular choices include:

  • Flaxseed oil
  • Canola oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Grapeseed oil

Flaxseed oil is often recommended due to its ability to harden and create a durable, non-stick surface.

How Do You Know When to Re-Season a Griddle?

Re-seasoning the griddle becomes necessary when the food begins to adhere to its surface or after a deep cleaning that strips away the existing seasoning. The presence of rust or a lackluster, parched appearance further signals the need for re-seasoning to restore the griddle’s non-stick properties and prevent corrosion. Regular maintenance and re-seasoning ensure optimal performance and prolong the lifespan of the griddle for continued culinary enjoyment.

Clean and Dry the Griddle Surface

To keep your Blackstone griddle in top condition, it’s crucial to clean it thoroughly after every cooking session. Start by scraping off any leftover food bits with a metal scraper, then wipe down the surface with a clean cloth. Finish by lightly oiling the griddle to prevent rust and maintain its seasoning for flavorful cooking every time.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide) 2


How Long Does It Take To Season a Blackstone Griddle

To season a Blackstone griddle effectively, devote approximately an hour to the process. Heat each layer of oil until it begins to smoke, then allow the griddle to cool before applying subsequent coats. Repeating this procedure multiple times ensures a durable non-stick surface, enhancing your cooking experience.

Can I Use Soap and Water to Clean My Blackstone Griddle?

It is generally not recommended to use soap and water on a seasoned griddle, as it can strip away the oil layers. Instead, use hot water and a scraper for regular cleaning. A little bit of soap can be used occasionally for deeper cleans, but the griddle must be re-seasoned immediately afterward.

Can I Use Butter to Season My Blackstone Griddle?

When seasoning a griddle, it’s crucial to avoid using butter due to its low smoke point, which makes it prone to burning and potentially harming the seasoning layer. Opting for oils with higher smoke points, such as avocado oil or grapeseed oil, ensures a more effective seasoning process and helps maintain the griddle’s surface integrity. This practice guarantees better cooking performance and prolongs the lifespan of your griddle.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Post-Seasoning Care

After the last remnants of oil have been incinerated and the griddle has reached a cool temperature, employ a fresh cloth to eliminate any lingering traces of oil meticulously. Store the griddle in a moisture-free environment to thwart the onset of rust.

Routine Maintenance

Daily maintenance of your griddle is essential for its longevity and optimal performance. After each use, ensure that any food remnants are scraped off using a metal scraper once the griddle has cooled down. For a convenient and efficient cleaning method, pour some water on the warm griddle to loosen residues, then wipe it clean with a cloth.

Common Seasoning Mistakes to Avoid

Using the Wrong Types of Oils

When seasoning your food, steer clear of oils like olive oil or butter with low smoke points to prevent burning and sticky residue formation. Instead, choose oils with high smoke points, which can endure the intense heat required for proper seasoning. This ensures your dish achieves optimal flavor and texture without any unpleasant burnt taste or residue.

Overheating the Griddle

Excessive heat poses a risk to the griddle’s surface integrity, potentially causing damage. It’s crucial to closely monitor the temperature while seasoning to avoid overheating, ensuring the longevity of the griddle and maintaining its optimal performance. Consistent vigilance during the seasoning process safeguards against potential heat-related issues, preserving the griddle for prolonged use.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide) 3


Inadequate Cleaning Pre and Post Seasoning

Maintaining a pristine griddle surface before seasoning is essential, as it prevents the accumulation of food remnants and rust formation, ensuring a fresh start for cooking. Additionally, regular cleaning post-cooking sessions prevent the stubborn adhesion of old food particles and grease, preserving the griddle’s longevity and facilitating future culinary endeavors. By diligently adhering to these cleaning rituals, one ensures not only a sanitary cooking environment but also extends the lifespan of their griddle, optimizing its performance for countless delicious meals to come.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Seasoning Under Different Weather Conditions

In regions with high humidity, it’s essential to dry your griddle post-wash to thwart rust formation meticulously. Furthermore, in colder climates, it’s advisable to let the griddle attain room temperature before initiating the seasoning procedure, guaranteeing uniform heat distribution. These precautions not only preserve the longevity of your griddle but also optimize its performance for flawless cooking experiences.

Enhancing the Non-Stick Surface Over Time

Regularly using your seasoned griddle builds up a natural non-stick layer over time, improving with each cooking session. Fatty foods such as bacon aid in this process, contributing to the maintenance and enhancement of the griddle’s seasoning. With consistent use and proper care, your griddle can develop a superb non-stick surface, perfect for cooking a variety of delicious meals.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sticky Residue After Seasoning

If you find a sticky surface after seasoning, it might be because you applied excessive oil or didn’t let it burn off completely during heating. To remedy this, reheat the griddle and allow any surplus oil to burn off, ensuring a smoother finish for your cooking surface. This process helps maintain the quality and longevity of your griddle, ensuring optimal performance for future use.

Rust Formation and How to Deal With It

When rust forms on a griddle, it typically indicates exposure to moisture. To effectively address this issue, lightly sand the affected area to remove the rust, ensuring a smooth surface. Follow up by thoroughly cleaning the griddle and reapplying oil for seasoning to prevent future rust formation.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide) 4


Comparisons With Other Seasoning Methods

Traditional Cast Iron Skillet Seasoning vs. Blackstone Griddle

Seasoning a griddle and a skillet involves similar principles, but their differing sizes and shapes necessitate distinct methods. Griddles demand a greater quantity of oil and meticulous attention to ensure uniform coating across their expansive surface area. Unlike skillets, where the oil can be distributed more sparingly, griddles require a generous application to achieve optimal seasoning.

Benefits of Flaxseed Oil Over Other Oils

Flaxseed oil, renowned for its high smoke point and ability to form a strong polymer layer, stands out as an excellent choice for seasoning cookware due to its durability and slickness. Its unique properties allow it to create a resilient coating on surfaces, ensuring enhanced non-stick qualities over time. Compared to alternative oils, flaxseed oil’s ability to withstand high temperatures makes it particularly well-suited for seasoning, promising long-lasting performance in the kitchen.

What Is a Smoke Point?

The smoke point, denoting the temperature at which an oil begins to emit smoke and degrade, is a crucial factor in culinary applications. Oils boasting high smoke points are favored for seasoning purposes as they exhibit resilience against intense heat, thereby facilitating the formation of a durable protective coating on the griddle. Opting for oils with elevated smoke points ensures an optimal cooking experience, preventing undesirable burning and preserving the integrity of the dish being prepared.

What Should I Do If My Blackstone Griddle Starts to Rust?

To tackle rust on your Blackstone griddle, start by using steel wool or sandpaper to scrub away the rusted spots until they’re completely gone. Once you’ve removed the rust, thoroughly clean the surface to get rid of any debris, then dry it completely to prevent further rusting. Finally, re-season the griddle to restore its non-stick properties and keep it in top condition for your next cooking adventure.

How Long Does It Take To Season a Blackstone?

Seasoning a Blackstone griddle involves heating oil until smoking, then allowing it to cool, which should be repeated multiple times to build up a proper coating. This process typically takes about an hour if executed correctly, ensuring that the griddle surface becomes adequately seasoned for optimal cooking results. Consistency in heating and cooling, along with multiple oil applications, helps create a durable non-stick surface on the griddle.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle (A Grill Coach Guide) 5


Bonus Tip: How to Clean a Blackstone Griddle

To ensure your griddle stays in top condition, it’s recommended that you clean it while it’s still warm. Utilize a flat scraper to remove any food remnants, followed by a gentle wipe with a damp cloth if necessary. Finally, a light coating of cooking oil is applied to safeguard the surface, preserving its seasoning and thwarting the onset of rust.

FAQs on Seasoning a Blackstone Griddle

How often should I re-season my Blackstone griddle?

You should re-season your Blackstone griddle whenever you notice food starting to stick or after cleaning it thoroughly, which might strip some of the existing seasoning. Typically, this means re-seasoning every 4-6 months, depending on usage.

Can I use olive oil to season my Blackstone griddle?

It’s best to avoid olive oil for seasoning due to its low smoke point, which can lead to burning and a sticky residue. Instead, use oils with higher smoke points like canola, vegetable, or flaxseed oil for better results.

What is the best temperature for seasoning my Blackstone griddle?

The optimal temperature for seasoning your Blackstone griddle is around 350-400 degrees Fahrenheit. This range allows the oil to polymerize properly without smoking excessively or damaging the griddle.

How do I know if I’ve applied enough oil during the seasoning process?

You should apply just enough oil to coat the griddle surface lightly; it should glisten but not pool. If the surface is sticky after heating, it indicates excess oil was used.

Can I use my Blackstone griddle right after seasoning it?

Yes, you can use your Blackstone griddle immediately after seasoning it. In fact, cooking fatty foods like bacon can help further enhance the seasoning layer.

What should I do if my griddle starts to rust?

If rust appears, scrub the rusted area with a light abrasive and clean it thoroughly. Then, dry it, heat it to open the pores, and reapply a thin layer of oil to re-season the surface.


Seasoning your Blackstone griddle is a critical step in ensuring a non-stick surface, enhancing the flavor of your food, and extending the life of your griddle. By following the proper techniques and using the right materials, you can maintain a high-quality cooking surface that makes outdoor cooking enjoyable and effortless. Remember, regular maintenance and re-seasoning will keep your griddle in prime condition for years to come.

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