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10 Reasons Why Long-Form SEO Content Is Better Than Short Blog Posts

Do you ever feel like you’re writing the same thing over and over again? And, no matter how many different ways you try to say it, your readers just aren’t getting the message? You might be overlooking the potential of long-form SEO content. In this post, we’ll look at 10 reasons why long-form SEO content is better than short blog posts. By taking a longer approach to your content, you can hook your readers in and better communicate your message. So, let’s get started!

1. People have shorter attention spans these days, so it’s harder to keep their attention with short blog posts

It’s no secret that people have shorter attention spans now than they did in the past. In fact, a recent study found that the average attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to just 8 seconds in 2013! This means that it’s getting harder and harder to keep people’s attention focused on one thing for any length of time.

2. Long-form SEO content is more comprehensive and provides more value to the reader

When you write a short blog post, you might find yourself leaving out important details or skimping on certain points just to hit that word count. However, with long-form SEO content, you have the opportunity to really flesh out your ideas and provide your readers with a more comprehensive piece of content. This not only provides more value to the reader, but it also helps to build trust between you and your audience.

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3. Readers are more likely to share long-form SEO content on social media and other platforms

If you want your content to be shared, then you need to give readers something worth sharing. And, as it turns out, long-form SEO content is more likely to be shared than short blog posts. In fact, one study found that articles with an average word count of 1,500 words are shared 3x more than articles with an average word count of 500 words.

4. Long-form SEO content ranks better in Google search results than short blog posts

When it comes to SEO, quality trumps quantity every time. Google’s algorithms are designed to surface the best and most relevant content for each individual query. So, if you want your content to rank well in search results, then you need to make sure that it’s high-quality and comprehensive.

5. Long-form SEO content is more likely to generate organic traffic than short blog posts

Organic traffic is the holy grail of online marketing. This is the type of traffic that comes from people who find your content organically, without any paid promotion. And, according to data from BuzzSumo, articles with an average word count of 1,000 words or more receive significantly more organic traffic than shorter articles.

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6. Long-form SEO content gives you more opportunities to include keywords and phrases

If you want your content to rank well in search results, then you need to make sure that it’s optimized for the right keywords and phrases. And, with long-form content, you have more opportunities to do just that. By including targeted keywords throughout your piece, you can signal to Google what your article is about and increase your chances of ranking for those terms.

7. Long-form SEO content helps to establish you as an authority in your industry

People are more likely to trust and respect someone who is considered an expert in their field. And, by writing long-form SEO content, you can help to position yourself as an authority figure in your industry. By writing comprehensive and well-researched pieces, you’ll be able to show your readers that you know what you’re talking about.

8. Long-form SEO content can be repurposed into other types of content

Once you’ve written a piece of long-form SEO content, you can then repurpose it into other types of content, such as an infographic or a SlideShare presentation. This helps to get more mileage out of your original piece and gives you more opportunities to reach new audiences.

9. Long-form SEO content is more evergreen and has a longer shelf life than short blog posts

If you want your content to generate traffic and leads for months or even years to come, then you need to make sure that it’s evergreen. And, generally speaking, long-form content is more evergreen than short blog posts. This is because it’s more comprehensive and covers a topic in greater depth. As a result, it’s less likely to become outdated over time.

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10. Long-form SEO content can be used as gated content

If you want to generate leads from your website, then you need to have some sort of lead capture form on your site. And one of the best places to put a lead capture form is on a piece of gated content. By requiring visitors to fill out a form in order to access your content, you can increase the chances of generating leads from your site.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why long-form SEO content is better than short blog posts. So, if you want to improve your content marketing strategy, then you should start creating longer pieces of content. Not only will this help to improve your SEO efforts, but it will also give you more opportunities to engage and convert your readers.

So there you have it – 10 reasons why you should be writing long-form SEO content instead of short blog posts. If you’re not already taking this approach with your content marketing, then what are you waiting for? Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

I help businesses drive more traffic to their website. My past work involves Search Engine Optimization, doing on-page SEO, and also off-page SEO. On-page SEO Optimization On-Page SEO (WHITEHAT SEO) is one of the most critical factors for the success of your website SEO campaigns. The things that must be optimized in your post or pages are the Heading tags, Meta Text, Content, and more. For content development, I can provide you with 30 well-written blog posts. That is double-checked with Grammar errors and also plagiarized free content. You will approve the targeted keyword and title of the URL before we execute. But if you are in a hurry, We can decide that part for you.

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