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9 LinkedIn Tagging: How to Tag People and Companies on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Tagging

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, has become an essential tool for career growth and networking. One of its powerful features is tagging, which allows you to connect with individuals and businesses more effectively. In this guide, we will delve into the world of LinkedIn tagging, offering valuable insights and expert tips to help you make the most of this feature.

LinkedIn Tagging: How to Tag People and Companies on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Tagging is your key to expanding your network and engaging with relevant connections. Let’s explore the ins and outs of this essential feature.

LinkedIn Tagging

Getting Started with LinkedIn Tagging

LinkedIn Tagging is a versatile tool that helps you organize and categorize your connections. It’s your digital address book, allowing you to segment your network based on various criteria.

Why Tagging Matters

LinkedIn tagging may seem like a minor feature, but it can make a significant difference in your networking efforts. Discover why tagging matters and how it can benefit you.

The Art of Tagging People

Learn how to tag individuals effectively, ensuring your connections receive the recognition they deserve. Whether it’s a colleague, mentor, or friend, tagging people can strengthen your professional relationships.

LinkedIn Tagging

Tagging Companies for Strategic Networking

Tagging companies is a strategic move that can open doors to potential opportunities. Find out how to do it right and maximize your chances of making meaningful connections.

Pro Tips for Tagging Success

Uncover expert tips and best practices for mastering LinkedIn tagging. From etiquette to frequency, we’ve got you covered with the dos and don’ts of effective tagging.

Tagging people and companies on LinkedIn is a great way to increase the visibility of your posts and connect with your network. Here’s how to do it:

Tagging People on LinkedIn:

  1. Create a Post: Start by creating a new post or commenting on an existing one. You can do this from your LinkedIn homepage or the LinkedIn mobile app.
  2. Type “@” or “Tag”: In the text box where you’re composing your post or comment, type the “@” symbol or the word “Tag.”
  3. Begin Typing a Name: After typing “@” or “Tag,” start typing the name of the person you want to tag. LinkedIn will provide suggestions as you type.
  4. Select the Person: When you see the person you want to tag in the suggestions, click on their name. This will turn their name into a blue hyperlink, indicating that they are tagged in your post.
  5. Finish Your Post: Complete your post or comment, and then click “Post” to share it. The tagged person will receive a notification, and their name will be clickable in your post.

Tagging Companies on LinkedIn:

  1. Create a Post: Similar to tagging people, start by creating a new post or commenting on an existing one.
  2. Type “@” or “Tag”: In the text box where you’re composing your post or comment, type the “@” symbol or the word “Tag.”
  3. Begin Typing the Company Name: After typing “@” or “Tag,” type the company name you want to tag. LinkedIn will provide suggestions as you order.
  4. Select the Company: When you see the company you want to tag in the suggestions, click on its name. This will turn the company name into a blue hyperlink, indicating that it is organized in your post.
  5. Finish Your Post: Complete or comment, then click “Post” to share it. The tagged company will be linked in your post, and users can click on it to visit the company’s LinkedIn page.

Some Tips:

  • You can tag both people and companies in the same post or comment.
  • Be mindful of tagging. Only tag people or companies that are relevant to your post. Ranking too many users or companies in unrelated content can be spammy.
  • Use tags to give credit or acknowledge the involvement of others in your content.
  • Tagging can be a great way to engage with your network and foster connections, so use it wisely and respectfully.

That’s how you tag people and companies on LinkedIn to enhance your networking and engagement on the platform.


Can I tag multiple people in a single post?

Yes, you can tag multiple people in a single post. Start typing their name after the “@” symbol, and LinkedIn will suggest connections for you to tag.

Is there a limit to the number of tags in a post?

LinkedIn allows you to tag up to 50 people in a single post. However, it’s essential to tag only those individuals or companies relevant to your content to maintain professionalism.

Will tagged individuals be notified?

Yes, when you tag someone in a post, they will receive a notification. It’s a great way to grab their attention and encourage engagement.

LinkedIn Tagging

Can I tag companies in comments?

Yes, you can tag companies in comments by typing “@” followed by the company name. It’s an excellent way to involve businesses in discussions and showcase your expertise.

Are there any etiquettes to follow when tagging?

Yes, it’s essential to be mindful of tagging etiquette. Avoid over-tagging, which can be seen as spammy. Tag only when it adds value to the conversation.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my tagging strategy?

LinkedIn provides insights into the reach and engagement of your posts. Keep an eye on these metrics to evaluate the impact of your tagging strategy.


LinkedIn tagging is a valuable tool for enhancing your professional presence on the platform. By following our expert guidance, you can connect with the right people and companies, boost your visibility, and advance your career. Start tagging strategically today and unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn network.

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