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How To Submit My Site to Google, Bing & Yahoo

How are you going to Submit My Site to Google to a search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Bing? Why you should submit your website to the search engines?

When you are listed in the search engines like google and other popular search engines, this is the very best way to gain traffic for free. And you can do more a by targeting this customized keywords to your users.

Organic traffic is something like the best and most valuable traffic in the internet during this time. The search engines are still rated as the best and most trusted/ valuable in terms of getting information, news and doing research.

Google currently holds a whopping 71.86 percent of the worldwide search engine market share.

Submit My Site to Google

What Are The Top Search Engines To Submit My Website?

The most popular search engine that you could use is google. In the Philippines we always use google to look for something. We use google to look for the best foods, tutorials for something that we are interested in, and maybe we have assignment that we need to look for information.

Well the rest of the search engines like Bing and Yahoo it is also popular but not the same as with google which is having maybe most of all the traffic. Google also has an example of a country based search engine. For example if you are located in the United States and you are looking for best pizza then you will see results specifically based on your location.

Submit My Site to Google

How Would You Check If Your Website Is On Google or Listed in Search Engines?

If you are looking for your website in the search results then you should type your website address in the search bar and press enter. If you website does not show in the number one page results then you should submit your website to google.

Submit My Site to Google

Another way to check if a page is in either of the search engines is to copy a piece of text from the homepage, put it into the search box “in quotes”.

Your page should come up if Google is indexing your site.

The “site:” command operator – e.g.  simply type “” into the Google Search Box(Same as Bing). This command will show you all the indexed url for your website.

Do You Need To Pay to Get Into Google, Bing or Yahoo?

No. You don’t have to pay a penny just to get your site into any of the major search engines. Indexing your website is always free and will always remain like that.

You can submit your URL to all the main global search engines entirely for free.

You can pay for advertisement of your website in Google through Google Adwords (PPC) but this blog is specifically for free listings.

Which Tools Can You Use To Monitor & Improve Your Sites Performance In Search Engines?

There are lots of tools that you can use to monitor your search engine optimization for your website a good example on this is AHREF’s or SEMRUSH. They have all the monthly report that will going to show you weather what page you are mostly gaining traffic and which keywords you are ranking on top.

I do not limit tools for just the two of them but you can freely explore mostly will going to find Screaming Frog or Cora and many more.

This tools will going to crawl your websites and find whether you have a meta description, meta titles, image alt text or maybe you are missing an h1 on your page.

If you are not technically minded, we can analyse and fix your website for you, if necessary, as part of our fixed price SEO service.

Submit My Site to Google

Why Can’t I Find My Site On Google?

There are reasons why you cannot see your websites in the search results or the SERPS – Search Engine Result Pages.

Well the first thing that google will going to do is Google need to find your website before it can crawl. It means that you should submit first your XML sitemap to Google. Then after that the Google bots will crawl it and index those Urls that are submitted.

Googlebot which is a spider in Google that crawls websites must access your page if it knows your website exists. Your website can only be listed in Google search if it was crawled and indexed by Googlebot.

Google may not know about your site, yet. If you haven’t submitted an XML sitemap.

There are many reasons a site does not rank in Google. My SEO report identifies most of them. Other issue is penalization which we can talk about sometime.


How Do You Manually Submit A Site To Search Engines?

When you are going to submit a site manually you need to use google search console. When you sign in and use google search console you need to submit your xml sitemap that contains all the urls of your website that needs to be index. Now there are lots of urls that you can index if your website is having a lots of blog. But you need to consider not indexing pages which are having thin content.

Note: Indexing thin content or submitting a sitemap that has lots of url that contains thin contents will result to penalization. Which will hurt your website.

Google has ways of submitting your web pages directly to their index. Most search engines do. But based on my experience you need to submit an XML sitemap to let them know which url you want to be indexed.

I’d expect submitting your site through the following methods will certainly get you started:

Submit A Site To Google

Submit My Site To Bing

Submit my site to Yandex

Submit my website to Baidu

Submit RSS feed to Google

Submit Google Webmaster Tools

Submit site to Bing Webmaster Tools

Submit site to DuckDuckGo (Not Available) – ‘It finds you itself‘)

google ranking

How Do I Improve My Ranking Position in Google?

Now you have your website in the SERPS and you need to rank this pages to the #1 results. This will mater to what keywords or keyphrase you are using to rank a page.

You need to know what keywords to use to have a better ranking page in the search results. You can’t rank a page with a keyword Pepsi because it is a very competitive niche and Pepsi company will have the most relevant pages and post that will mostly will rank.

Finding the best Keyword to use like long tail keywords and optimizing the page based on that keyword will mostly reached your goal to page 1 in the SERPS.

If you really want to rank in the search engines then you need on-page optimization for the pages or post of your websites. Or you need help in building Links to your site. That technique belongs to Off page optimization. Which is getting links to high authority sites.

What will happen if this high authority sites give you link? That will give you a boost in ranking and page authority of your site. Even if it is just one link from this very trusted sites, Google will also improve how they will trust your pages or post.

Ranking in Google is a very hard process for a long time. If you want to know more about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) check out my other tutorials:

SEO For Beginners in 2019

How Do I Connect My Site To Google Search Console?

At some point, if you need to rock and search engines, you need backlinks and you need your pages to be optimized for a certain keyword that will deliver great value to your users.

Now you are maybe thinking how are you going to create the links that will give your website a boost to rank. If you are starting then you don’t literally create the links that will give your site domain authority. You should worry first the content that you will have in your website.

Once you have good content on your website. This links will come naturally to your website. Having a campaign to reach out good and potential website to link to you will be much better.

If you want to bypass all that, for now, you can submit your website and verify it in Google Webmaster Tools. The procedure to connect your website is very simple with a little technical knowledge.

How Do I Verify A Site with Google Webmaster Tools?

You have a number of options to verify that you own your website:

Add a meta tag to your home page (proving that you have access to the source files). To use this method, you must be able to edit the HTML code of your site’s pages. If you are using WordPress then you can add it also in the Header of your site. You can use insert Header and Footer plugin to accomplish this task.

Upload an HTML file with the name you specify to your server. To use this method, you must be able to upload new files to your server. You can use FTP access or directly login to your CPANEL and then add the file via File Manager.

Verify via your domain name provider. To use this method, you must be able to sign in to your domain name provider (for example, SiteGround or Namecheap) or hosting provider and add a new DNS record. IF you are using a CDN like CloudFlare then you might add it in the CloudFlare DNS section

Add the Google Analytics code you use to track your site. To use this option, you must be an administrator on the Google Analytics account, and the tracking code must use the new asynchronous snippet. If you are using WordPress, Adding a Google analytics code will be easier because you will use header and footer plugin, add it in the header and you are done.


Do I Need Links for Google To Find My Site?

Basically don’t need links to be index or to be listed in search engines just like Google, Yahoo and Bing. What you basically need is google account being account and then set up their webmaster tools and then submit your sitemap.

This site map will going to lead your website to show up in the serps. All they need is the link that is available in your xml sitemap. Once this urls will be crawled by bots then you should expect that tomorrow or the next day your website is showing up in search engines.

A connection from a trustworthy site will help Google trust your site more. Positioning high or considerably number 1 on Google sometimes it will come down then it will goes up, The up’s and down of the traffic but it will last for a long time. Google rates the nature of your site as well, in this rank computation.

On the off page technique that you present your site to get indexed or you are purchasing backlinks to get into Google, these connections or links can hurt your online authority and rankings later on. You could be adequately punished, or penalized from Google’s outcomes.

In 2019, the straightforward truth is, you barely even need a link for Google to discover your site. Google (particularly) WILL discover your website inside days or weeks, and if your site has exceptional substance or unique quality content on it – it will go into its search results rapidly.

When you are getting low and spammy links it will most likely position your website high for a brief period of time as well. At that point drop down the rankings a bit. A very quick boost in rankings but will not be for the long term purpose. Possibly it’s to give you a sample of Google traffic – or maybe it is to figure out which quality norms your site neglects to meet.

It normally drops because your website has spammy and low-quality backlinks and will be penalized by Google. This type of technique is blackhat and will give you results for a low period of time only.


Should I Submit my site to google Directories?

You could, obviously, consider presenting your site to directories.

There are some great quality directories out there. A connection in ONE OR TWO of these directories will presumably get your site into web indexes.

Shockingly, there is a LOT of low-quality connections and directories you will likely discover first. That sort of backlink can rapidly turn harmful – and an excessive number of them can cause you issues.

I would AVOID all of these low directories, shoddy SEO accommodation administrations, particularly those based around presenting your site to directories.

To avoid low quality directories you need to check in MOZ if the website has spammy urls. If you found this directories are having low quality or with spammy links and low in domain authority. Don’t submit your URL into this sites.

Frequently inconsequential and regularly dangerous.

free search

Which Paid or Free Search Engine Submission Tools and Services Should I Use?


If you are looking for paid or free services that will tell you that they have this services that will submit your sites to all search engines. Then don’t fall for it.

Having your website get listed in search engines is free. And all you have to do is follow the steps in every search engine on how to submit your website. They have all the process or documentation that will guide you on how you can perfectly accomplish this task.

Well, If you have used this services then you have a bad luck, what you are simply doing is telling them that you needed SEO to your website and will mostly have a low quality services.

Mostly they will show you a very fast results, But will surely harm your website in the long run. Having backhat techniques will surely show results less than 6 months and you will be shocked that it is working. But then after 12 months you will noticed you have dropped in rankings. Due to penalization.

The Solution will be having good and quality content and get indexed by Google and other Search Engines that’s just it. Seriously.

my website

Why Is My Website Not Listed in Google Search WEEKS or MONTHS After Submitting It?

If your website is not in Google (at all) after a few weeks (or months) of doing the above on a few sites, then something might be wrong. The codes that you have in your site may be blocking Google from indexing your website, for instance.

The situation is you have submitted your website to the search engines but the code inside your website is telling the search engines not to be indexed.

Is that possible? Yes it is, I can help you remove and fixed this issue anytime. Just contact me directly so this will be addressed and removed in your website.

Try to find or view page source to your homepage and find this keyword “noindex” or “nofollow” well if this is present to your website then it will surely will not be indexed in the search engines.

This code is telling the Google bots to not crawl this page. This is a serious issue in the sitemap and your website.

Social Media

Can Social Media Links Get My Site Indexed by Search Engines?


Social media links help your website as social signals. It is like if many people are talking about your website then Google will think that your website is relevant enough to be ranked by the keyword that it is associated with.

What I am talking about is not the Meta Keywords that is present on your homepage. But the keyword that it is ranking in the Serps.

For example your page is ranking #10 for keyword “pizza by you” then many in your area posted your website link in their social media and it will get a lot of interaction in facebook or many shares in facebook.

Then this signals will help you outranked your competitors for that keyword. Probably ranked you #1 . Who knows. IF your competitor are not famous. then I assured you will be in top 1.

There are more ways to Get listed in search engines, I’ll add more details on this article. Let me know in the comments what do you think is the best way to get listed in search engines. Thanks!

I help businesses drive more traffic to their website. My past work involves Search Engine Optimization, doing on-page SEO, and also off-page SEO. On-page SEO Optimization On-Page SEO (WHITEHAT SEO) is one of the most critical factors for the success of your website SEO campaigns. The things that must be optimized in your post or pages are the Heading tags, Meta Text, Content, and more. For content development, I can provide you with 30 well-written blog posts. That is double-checked with Grammar errors and also plagiarized free content. You will approve the targeted keyword and title of the URL before we execute. But if you are in a hurry, We can decide that part for you.


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